

For every box in 4x4 plaintext matrix, the element is replaced by the corresponding entry from the substitution array. To every cell of the cipher internal state, an 8-bit Substitution box is applied to it. e.g, if the state of a box is 2, the SKINNY cipher goes to Sbox[2] entry and replaces value 2 with it in the matrix i.e. it replaces 2 with 6a. The values in the Substitution box are in hexadecimal notation.

This is an image of implementation of Sbox

We use depending on the block size, a 4-bit Sbox (for 64-bit block) or a 8-bit Sbox (for 128-bit block).

The 4-bit Sbox can also be described with four NOR and four XOR operations, as depicted in below figure.

This is an image of implementation of Sbox

For 128-bit block, SKINNY uses an 8-bit Sbox S8 that is built in a similar manner as for the 4-bit Sbox S4 described above. The construction is depicted in below figure.

This is an image of implementation of Sbox

Here is the 8-Bit Substitution Box for the skinny Cipher in array notation.

 SBox_8bit [256] =
 { 0x65 ,0x4c ,0x6a ,0x42 ,0x4b ,0x63 ,0x43 ,0x6b ,0x55 ,0x75 ,0x5a ,0x7a ,0x53 ,0x73 ,0x5b ,0x7b ,
 0x35 ,0x8c ,0x3a ,0x81 ,0x89 ,0x33 ,0x80 ,0x3b ,0x95 ,0x25 ,0x98 ,0x2a ,0x90 ,0x23 ,0x99 ,0x2b , 
 0xe5 ,0xcc ,0xe8 ,0xc1 ,0xc9 ,0xe0 ,0xc0 ,0xe9 ,0xd5 ,0xf5 ,0xd8 ,0xf8 ,0xd0 ,0xf0 ,0xd9 ,0xf9 , 
 0xa5 ,0x1c ,0xa8 ,0x12 ,0x1b ,0xa0 ,0x13 ,0xa9 ,0x05 ,0xb5 ,0x0a ,0xb8 ,0x03 ,0xb0 ,0x0b ,0xb9 ,
 0x32 ,0x88 ,0x3c ,0x85 ,0x8d ,0x34 ,0x84 ,0x3d ,0x91 ,0x22 ,0x9c ,0x2c ,0x94 ,0x24 ,0x9d ,0x2d ,
 0x62 ,0x4a ,0x6c ,0x45 ,0x4d ,0x64 ,0x44 ,0x6d ,0x52 ,0x72 ,0x5c ,0x7c ,0x54 ,0x74 ,0x5d ,0x7d ,
 0xa1 ,0x1a ,0xac ,0x15 ,0x1d ,0xa4 ,0x14 ,0xad ,0x02 ,0xb1 ,0x0c ,0xbc ,0x04 ,0xb4 ,0x0d ,0xbd ,
 0xe1 ,0xc8 ,0xec ,0xc5 ,0xcd ,0xe4 ,0xc4 ,0xed ,0xd1 ,0xf1 ,0xdc ,0xfc ,0xd4 ,0xf4 ,0xdd ,0xfd ,
 0x36 ,0x8e ,0x38 ,0x82 ,0x8b ,0x30 ,0x83 ,0x39 ,0x96 ,0x26 ,0x9a ,0x28 ,0x93 ,0x20 ,0x9b ,0x29 ,
 0x66 ,0x4e ,0x68 ,0x41 ,0x49 ,0x60 ,0x40 ,0x69 ,0x56 ,0x76 ,0x58 ,0x78 ,0x50 ,0x70 ,0x59 ,0x79 ,
 0xa6 ,0x1e ,0xaa ,0x11 ,0x19 ,0xa3 ,0x10 ,0xab ,0x06 ,0xb6 ,0x08 ,0xba ,0x00 ,0xb3 ,0x09 ,0xbb ,
 0xe6 ,0xce ,0xea ,0xc2 ,0xcb ,0xe3 ,0xc3 ,0xeb ,0xd6 ,0xf6 ,0xda ,0xfa ,0xd3 ,0xf3 ,0xdb ,0xfb ,
 0x31 ,0x8a ,0x3e ,0x86 ,0x8f ,0x37 ,0x87 ,0x3f ,0x92 ,0x21 ,0x9e ,0x2e ,0x97 ,0x27 ,0x9f ,0x2f ,
 0x61 ,0x48 ,0x6e ,0x46 ,0x4f ,0x67 ,0x47 ,0x6f ,0x51 ,0x71 ,0x5e ,0x7e ,0x57 ,0x77 ,0x5f ,0x7f ,
 0xa2 ,0x18 ,0xae ,0x16 ,0x1f ,0xa7 ,0x17 ,0xaf ,0x01 ,0xb2 ,0x0e ,0xbe ,0x07 ,0xb7 ,0x0f ,0xbf ,
 0xe2 ,0xca ,0xee ,0xc6 ,0xcf ,0xe7 ,0xc7 ,0xef ,0xd2 ,0xf2 ,0xde ,0xfe ,0xd7 ,0xf7 ,0xdf ,0xff }